
terça-feira, 21 de março de 2017

Israel no topo do Relatório Mundial da Felicidade

Acabou de sair o World Happiness Report, ou "Relatório Mundial da Felicidade" de 2017. Israel está no topo da lista, em 11. lugar, pelo quarto ano consecutivo.
O relatório mede a felicidade dos habitantes de 150 países participantes e usa os dados para ajudar nas políticas públicas dessas nações.
Leia abaixo a notícia completa, em inglês, retirada do Israellycool ou no link a seguir para saber mais sobre o relatório: RELATÓRIO MUNDIAL DA FELICIDADE

Latest World Happiness Report Shows Israelis (Still) Among Happiest In World

The World Happiness Report for 2017 has just been released. And Israel is in 11th spot, out of 150 countries, for the fourth year in a row.
The report is based on an annual survey of 1,000 people in more than 150 countries that simply asks them to rank, on a scale of 0 to 10, whether they are living their best life.
Researchers then use six measures to try to understand the results: gross domestic product per capita, life expectancy, support from relatives or friends, charitable giving, freedom to make life choices, and perceived levels of government and corporate corruption.
Here are the full results. As I mentioned, Israel is high up the list, just outside the top 10, ahead of even the likes of the United States, Germany and the UK.
Naturally, the Muslim and Arab countries are way down the list – probably knowing we are so darn happy.

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